Deal Of The Day preview

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$0 Off

Expires: MONTH, YEAR

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$0 Off

Expires: MONTH, YEAR



Advertising days


Payment Summary

Total Budget


Cost per click

Cost-per-click (CPC) means that you pay for each click on your Boosted Post. Each click by a user will cost 0.10c.


Estimated Total Results

Potential Reach

This is how many people you could potentially reach with your selected audience over all your advertising days.


Potential Clicks

A click is any time a user clicks to interact with a post specifically.


Upload Multiple

Before you upload your files below, make sure your file is ready to be imported. Download a sample template to make sure your file is ready.

Drag and drop or to upload your programs. All .csv, .xlsx, and .xls file types are supported.

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To ensure a premium customer experience the Camps with Friends Admin dashboard is only accessible from a desktop computer or laptop.